I'm in love, with Jesus that is. Recently this past week I was preparing myself to be prepared for "happy single awareness day" as I was hoping not to feeling lonely. However, my thoughts, feelings, and emotions changed drastically. The Christian college group, I'm in, called Intervarsity had a conference in Portland this weekend. I went into it expecting something crazy to happen among everyone there, little did I know that something was going to happen in me. A few people prayed for my sprained foot many times and by the power of prayer and our amazing healing God, my foot feels 90% better! Then it was time for God to heal my heart. The last session was about the prodigal son. The Speaker gave two invitations, the first was to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and two people stood up, praise the Lord! The second invitation was to receive pray as a reminder that we are God's children and that we are loved. I was hesitant to stand and go get prayer, but befor...