New eyes, new life.

First off I want to thank all of you who supported me financially and prayerfully. You all made a huge effort in getting me to summit and I can't thank you enough! Without you and Jesus of course, I wouldn't have had such an amazing and life changing experience.
 If you couldn't already tell summit was amazing! Not only did I gain amazing new relationships with my friends in IV(Intervarsity Christian Fellowship), but I gained an entire new perspective of how I look at the world and how I want to live in it.

We studied in Acts and learned how to live in a community that eats together, prays together and does everything else together. We learned to live simply and realized that we actually can survive with the bare necessities and that we don't really need the things that we want. Who seriously needs to have every new material possession? If you think about it you will be able live without it, I promise you.

We spent our days at work cites as we served the homeless, the lonely, and the hurting in Portland. I was able to serve at a women's shelter and it was such a delight to see how much hope and joy that those women had because they had wonderful women there who truly took care of them and some of them even claimed to have Jesus. We gave them pedicures one day and I can't even express what a joy it was to clean their feet and learn about their stories. Oh and they were so cute as the next day they all showed off their new pretty toes and flip flops.

God really opened our eyes to see that the poor and the weak have hearts too. I now find myself not as quick to judge others and I'm wanting to give a smile and a hug to all who need it. We evangelized a couple afternoons or as we call it "treasure hunting". The experience was incredible as we listened to God and he literally showed us where to go and pray for people. It was crazy seriously crazy and I want to keep treasure hunting as much as I can. 

We worshiped and prayed quite a bit. We learned what it meant to listen in prayer and receive visions from God. We also participated in healing prayer and many people's pains vanished by the wonders of God. Goodness, I don't think I'll underestimate the power of prayer again.

Honestly, during the whole experience it was hard not to experience information overload as we studied God's word, learned from Mother Teresa and Shane Claiborne, and saw huge racial segregation and discrimination problems still occurring in Oregon. I took much from Summit and I have and am still planning on living life much differently.
I'm scared that I will fall back into my old ways of wanting this and that and being selfish about my problems, etc. But I know that God and my community has my back as I thrive to live like Jesus. I'm no longer just a Christian, just a Pastor's Kid, or a goody goody, I AM A CHRIST FOLLOWER. 

P.S. please ask me if you would like to hear more about my trip because I would love to tell you more stories:)


  1. Kayla I'm so glad you were able to go and that God totally taught you stuff. That is awesome.

    Treasure hunts are really cool, I went on one once, and it's very exciting to just put that faith in God and just GO!

    I'd be very curious to hear what you're going to do going forward...expect a check-in when school starts too. :)

  2. Kayla, what you wrote was completely honest and beautiful, I loved reading it and hearing what God did in your heart. I am SO glad you were able to go to Summit, and that you're a part of Intervaristy. Have an amazing rest of the summer, and keep learning! ~Crisanne


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