There is More in store.

Okay so Winter Conference, what is that you might be asking?

Well Intervarsity Christian Fellowship has this conference every year in Portland and every chapter in the NW comes together and meets God. Last year when I went, God did some incredible healing in me, which you can read about here and so this I was looking forward to it ecstatically.

The Speaker, Rom, from the Ohio State Chapter, spoke to us out of Joshua. He was inviting us to the MORE of what God has for us.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 
 That God will always be with us and that when we go out and start behaving courageously,  God is strong and courageous. It isn't saying that we can do it but that God can do it and in that we can be fools for Jesus not letting fear conquer us and believing that God's got it!

He also focused in on transformation and that God will transform us and we will be working with God to transform our campuses! That all will be reconciled, even enemies, and in solidarity we will worship and live for God together. It was just so incredible to witness the girls in my small group and people around me and see the Holy Spirit transforming them. Oh what joy there is in that! God completely re-affirmed in me that I am his beloved daughter, that He alone is my identity and that he receives all the glory! That what He has for me is far greater than the convenient life I tend to hide in. I am so stoked to be that fool for Jesus, to spread His good news and live a life that brings Him all the glory and continue to seek more of what He is doing.

God is soooo good and his Holy Spirit was just so completely moving in everyone there this weekend and he was so heavy upon me and wow what an awesome joy and love that was. I am greatly looking forward to what this week brings as we set up interactive stations on our campuses and go courageously and share the gospel. I know that God will use us and we will see his kingdom advance!


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