Feelin' Blessed!

Guess who's a happy camper this morning?
That's right you guessed it...ME!

I have many reasons for why I am overwhelming blessed & filled with joy and I just can't but help sharing them with you.

First, this last weekend was spent with my wonderful best friend Venisa.

It was filled with heart to hearts & sweet memories of wedding shopping because...


I am sooooo incredibly thrilled for her! This is of course nothing new, I'm actually horrible for not blogging about this sooner because she has been engaged for months now! 
I am completely overjoyed to be her Maid of Honor and I'm so excited for this new chapter in her life! We're counting down the months till her big day in December and God has truly given her many blessings through all of her planning and we're all so thankful and excited of course!
(eeeeeeh! I could talk about this all forever)

My second blessing...
I got a job!
As I was "studying" in the library I decided to check my email for a break and saw my job position email pop up. It took all of me not to jump up and down and squeal in the quiet library haha!
I will be a TOUR/UHDS Ambassador giving prospective students tours on our campus!
Yay! Thank you thank you Jesus for this opportunity and for providing for me!

Last night my finals were...
Spring Break is now officially on and I can't wait to start my adventure with my lovely roomie Kelly.

We will be heading to Bend to see Kelly's family and one of my favorite friend's Kelsey!

& Then to my home in Tacoma to spend time with my fam!
We are just going with the flow and hoping for sunshine and relaxing days! 

He's blessings are wonderful and I'm looking forward to embracing them! He is the greatest blessing of all time and I am so undeserving of Him! Walking with him daily is a joy and it takes a great amount of trust and faith. He is always teaching me new things and to rely on him fully with him my whole life! He is the one who saves and the one I love the most! 

He is my true blessing:)


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